Vegetables / Fruit
Vegetables/Fruit – Whole produce concentrate.
Recommended Sources – Juice plus concentrate capsules.
Food Equivalent – All whole fruits and vegetables.
75% of your nutrition should whole plant food. This is your ratio of Nutrients.
Good nutrition controls energy balance, boosts nutrient intake, and targets health goals, body composition goals, and performance goals…..But it all starts with being honest of whether it hits the mark. Every day you have the responsibility to either heal or you destroy your body!
When food enters your mouth, it doesn’t mean your body absorbed vital nutrition. The cleaner you eat the less supplementing is needed until then your body needs help to ensure optimal health. Foundation of Proper Nutrition is extracting nutrients from foods and converting it into energy for the body, it’s not what you eat it’s how you eat it.
Supplementation – Limit yourself to one meal replacements daily and only if there is not enough time to consume food calories, in the morning or during a work meeting.
Essential Nutrients – Nutrients present in food that are needed for normal physiological functioning. This list consist of whole food concentrates based on the needs analysis Diet Log and Vitality Code Questionnaire.
Non-Essential – Nutrients that either the body can make itself, assuming adequate nutritional intake, or nutrients that aren’t needed for normal physiological functioning. This list consist of much lower on the nutritional priority list and may not come from
whole foods.
Processed salad dressings (FF Kraft and etc.), creamy salad dressings, ANY kind of mayo, full-fat butter, deli meat, frozen food dinners, sodas, dairy. *You may have artificial sweeteners, spray butter, coffee, tea, Chrystal light, seasonings and etc. If you have Known food allergens or a GI imbalance please email me.
Nutrition Plan Prescribed by Yaw Owusu Jr. Founder/CEO, Peak Fit World B.S, Ex Phys, NASM CPT, CES, PN1 certified | Principles Adopted from John Berardi, PHD; Ryan Andrews, MS, MA, RD | All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2016